Candidate Coaching

Are you a candidate looking for a job at a nonprofit or mission-based organization? Let our decades of experience running searches and interviewing candidates and working with nonprofits across the country benefit your search!

We know searching for the right job isn’t easy and we believe our advice, support, and ideas can help give your search a boost.

Rooted Edge Consulting is offering a free 20 minute candidate coaching calls with Sarah (or another member of our team) to hear more about what you are looking for and use that time for whatever is most helpful for you. After that, if we decide to work together we offer coaching calls and support at a sliding scale of $50 to 125/ hour (you tell us what you can afford) and this work together can cover the following -- and more depending on your needs:

  • Feedback on your resume - how to shorten it, what’s most important to include, what recruiters are most likely looking for

  • Feedback on a cover letter/ application questions

  • Strategizing around your search, which could include: types of organizations to look at, ideas for contacts to talk to, where to focus your time, how tap into your networks

  • Tips, advice, and practice (if helpful) interviewing, informational interviews, navigating the interview process

We believe that most candidates will work with us for a handful of calls – or even just the first 20 minute free option. Our services are aimed at giving your search a boost and thoughtful direction. Going forward, your name will be added to our network of candidates and we will keep you in mind for positions our clients are filling and roles we hear about from the nonprofits we are connected with. We hope we can work with you if you could use this type of support!

If interested, please email us at or fill out the interest form on our contact page.

white arrow painted on brick wall
white arrow painted on brick wall